Things that are excellent:
- I had a constant read on what my students did and didn't get, individually and as a whole class, which allowed a lot of course corrections, both major and minor, and would have allowed some awesome differentiation if I had more time for that kind of planning.
- My students and their parents had a constant read on what they did and didn't get, which let motivated students target the areas on which they needed help and reassessment and let motivated parents push their less-motivated students into the same.
- When I had a co-teacher for the last week of classes, I could send off the kids struggling to meet my goal of mastering at least half the concepts on my concept list, and she had instant access to where each student needed targeted help.
- I stole my starting concept list pretty whole-sale from Dan Meyers (here). While it was great to have a starting place (thanks, Dan!), it needs some tweaking to serve the constraints of my class.
- First: I only had 5 weeks (of 4 hours per day, 4 days / week) instead of a full year. While I had basically 80 instructional hours (so, theoretically almost a semester of time) and some pretty awesome kids, I still found myself slashing out some pretty critical concepts (solving systems of equations is the major one, but some other pretty important things also fell by the wayside). I ended up leaving out some core topics that we'll cover in the math class these students will take next year (solving systems, quadratic functions and graphs thereof, exponential growth and decay) and keeping some less central concepts that are at the back of most algebra books and many of many students hadn't seen yet (rational and radical expressions).
- Second: I wanted to work a lot on my students' mathematical reasoning abilities with open-ended problems, and their comfort with dissecting and translating word problems into math. Yet I have a single concept on my final list for word problems, none for mathematical reasoning, and the word problem standard I have is by far the one the students still have the most trouble with. If I teach this class again, i want to think more about what I want students to be able to do beyond check off the key procedural and conceptual skills asked by a typical Algebra 1 textbook.
- Reassessment, Part 1- I tried stealing Sam Shah's reassesment request form but in a five-week class with limited other use of the class website and no paper copy available in my classroom, basically one student used it once. It was too cumbersome and / or too much overhead for students to use and for me to enforce. This may be somewhat different in a full year course, but at the very least I need to make sure I get a paper copy available in person the next time I do this.
- Reassessment, Part 2 - I need a way to get the less motivated and more struggling students in for help and reassessment. Probably the most fundamental thing I need to do is to make my expectations about this crystal clear up front to both students and parents. Also, I should think about more creative ways of making the right choice the easy choice. This could constitute a mandatory 1 hour after-school session this week that you have to attend if you have less than a 4 on any concepts that I'm not assessing any more. Or it could constitute some part of a regular class period when the non-struggling students do a fairly independent activity (could use suggestions of these) and I focus on the struggling students. This summer I did it by setting my co-teacher loose on the most struggling students for the last three days of the course, but that's probably not a luxury I'll have in the regular year (but it may be worth brainstorming ways I could make that work).
- Work load - grading 40 quizzes with 6-8 questions per day on top of planning 4 hours of new instruction a day almost killed me. This is probably partially because I'm a newbie teacher who started from scratch in terms of... everything... this summer, and it might be better in the future just because I'd be tweaking this year rather than making everything from scratch. But I wonder if I could get 80% of the results from either fewer daily quiz questions (3 instead of 6?) or every-other-day quizzes? Realistically, I could only do a good job of introducing two new concepts per day, but the need to give students multiple chances to assess past concepts drove up the number of questions. At the least, I think I need to give one "what do you already know?" assessment of every single standard at the beginning of the summer and then do my darndest not to waste the students' or my time by assessing a standard before I've had time to teach it, which happened multiple times this summer.
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